Thomas McLaughlin shares his entrepreneurial journey and how CapFigure Sports came to life. Read his full interview to find out how he overcomes challenges. (Link below to the full article at Startup Savant)

An Interview with Thomas L. McLaughlin: Founder of CapFigure Sports | Startup Savant

One thought on “An Interview with Thomas L. McLaughlin: Founder of CapFigure Sports | Startup Savant

  1. If you haven’t read this interview, I strongly encourage you to do so. I’ve enjoyed reading CapFigure blogs and listening to CapFigure podcasts since each of their inceptions and have learned so much about the sports industry and now truly enjoy watching NFL, NBA and other.

    This interview and Tom’s startup experience, journey fr corporate world to following his goal/dream speaks to so many young people, as well as those looking to reinvent themselves. It’s given me the encouragement I need to start the next chapter of my life. His genuiness, insight/advice is refreshing.

    No doubt he is a fine young man. I look forward to hearing more from him and hope that he thrives and accomplishes his goal. Congrats and continued success.

    Liked by 1 person

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